Heartburn and GERD
Information Courtesy of Diagnos-Techs, Inc. (Clinical and Research Laboratory)Get to the bottom of heartburn, bloating, and diarrhea�
You don't have to travel to another country to contract a parasite; they are all around us, both in big cities, and in small towns.
Also, using antibiotics without an evaluation to reveal the type of infection can result in using an inappropriate antibiotic. This can actually strengthen the offending microbes and make it more difficult and expensive to treat. Overutilization of antibiotics renders the gastrointestinal tract more susceptible to chronic overgrowth of harmful micro-organisms.
Currently, World Health Organization studies indicate that about ½ billion individuals are infected annually by Amoeba histolytica and about the same number are infected by Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Considering all parasites, more than � of the Earth's population is infected at any time.
Bodily functions affected by GI pathogens
Intestinal pathogen infections cannot be clinically differentiated solely on the basis of medical history, physical exam and/or symptoms. Specific diagnosis requires laboratory evaluation and confirmation. In most laboratories, the general request for stool ova and parasite screening does not include the specialized testing and confirmation provided by the GI Health panel�. Asymptomatic, mild symptomatic and overt GI pathogen infections can affect and deter gastrointestinal function, and, if undetected, will lead to chronic illness.
Prevention notes
- Observe strict personal hygiene habits
- Eat cooked food when outside your home
- Wash fresh fruits and vegetables with soap and water
- Avoid drinking potentially contaminated surface water
- Before overseas travel, contact the CDC for tips
- Wash hands after touching pets
Heartburn and GERD
In case you have missed the multitude of commercials on television, GERD stands for Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease. Although the term GERD has become very popular lately, it certainly is not a new condition. Simply put GERD is heartburn which is caused by backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This reflux of acid can cause heartburn, an acidy or sour taste in the mouth, painful swallowing and even chest pain.
GERD is becoming an increasingly more common problem. Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services indicate that about seven (7) million people in the US alone suffer from GERD. If the disease has been around for such a long time, why are we seeing it more frequently? There are likely several factors which contribute to this increased frequency. There are obvious dietary factors such as high sugar and fatty meals. Overuse of antacids and antibiotics can lead to disruption of normal GI tract flora or bacterial overgrowth. Even food allergies or sensitivities could be causing irregular or improper digestion and leading to heartburn. What may not be so obvious is that the treatments now readily available are not controlling the problem. It may seem obvious that if acid from the stomach is flowing back into the esophagus, there must be too much acid in the stomach. This is somewhat true, but that acid is not necessarily �normal stomach acid�, but abnormal acids in the stomach from improper digestion and putrefaction of stomach contents.
In other words, when normal stomach acid is inadequate food is not properly digested and undigested food remains in the stomach. The undigested food begins to break down and produces acids. It is often these acids that cause heartburn and GERD. We can help you find a permanent solution to your heartburn without taking daily medications.
(Source: Digestive Diseases in the United States: Epidemiology and Impact, National Digestive Diseases Data Working Group, James E. Everhart, MD, MPH, Editor, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, NIH Publication No. 94-1447, May 1994)Stomach pains and indigestion
Do you suffer with chronic stomach upset and heartburn? Have you tried antacids with no relief? Are you tired of feeling bloated after meals?
You could be suffering of intestinal dysbiosis. In other words, you are not digesting your food well and it is causing an alteration of the normal healthy environment in your GI tract. This can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the GI tract. This can happen for many reasons from food allergies to disorders of your intestinal linings. Let our doctors help you get to the root of your stomach problems.
Have you already been diagnosed with an intestinal disorder, but not getting effective relief? Because we address the source or cause of the problem rather than trying to treat the symptoms, we can often help where other treatments have not. Stop suffering and let us help you by calling our office today.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Bacterial Overgrowth
- Candidiasis
- Constipation or Diarrhea
- Heartburn and GERD
- Leaky Gut
- Food Allergies/Sensitivities
- Seasonal Allergies
- Anxiety and Mood Disorders
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Poor Memory / Memory Changes